Saturday, 31 March 2012

Ring HOP Sneak peaks! 03/22/12


Future RN's! Ameen! :)

Having a shot with SMD's BIG 3 is a great honor!

Wacky Pose wd my Bro and tita..

How'd ya like it? hehe

Nanao. I'm gonna miss this brat!

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

My Testimonial Speech

              My heartfelt gratitude first and foremost to Almighty ALLAH for giving me the opportunity to survive and graduate this course, for fulfilling my duwa’as, guiding me in the right path and for making my dreams come into reality! All praises be to HIM. I thank HIM for making my mother an instrument that led me to this success. MA, not a word can ever express how thankful I am for having you as my mother. Thanks a lot, and I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! Thank you for the unconditional love, for the patience and support. Thank you for being a mother and father to me. To my dad, you may not be here to rejoice with my triumph, but whatever success that I’m having right now, whatever path that I’m tracking right now, you will always be a part of it, And I will always be proud of you as my dad. Wherever you are, my awards and achievements are for you. J
                To my batch! This is it! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? We’re actually here.. We finally made it! Our journey as a student is about to end, and we’re now preparing for the next chapter of our lives. I’ve been a member of different group of friends, but you know what? The warmth of your love, and care is beyond comparison, that’s why I will never forget you.  To the four vital friends, mila, naj, rai and amina, tnx for your sincerity and for being affectionate BIG sisters. To my close friends, Angel and Jhas, my “Katuwang” and “SANDIGAN”, to the PRETTY single ladies: Hanina, Naila, Salwa and Miads, tnx for the kindness and support. To my new friends: Jelai and Norsham for being so nice to me, and to our 2 boys: Jon and Awi, tnx a lot for the laughter and respect. Thanks guys for the memories.
                We may not be the BEST BATCH who graduated from this respective institution, but surely they will never forget us! How? By recalling our unique attitudes and behaviors of being PASAWAY and by always being scolded by madam. We’ve realized that the sermons are for our own good and will mold us to be a better person in the near future. We admit our mistakes and To you our dear juniors please learn from our mistakes. If you have seen a bright side of us then follow it, but if you’ve witnessed a bad side of us then please avoid. We’re encouraging you to strive harder and to retain the good name of our school.
                SMD has been our second home, in behalf of my classmates; we would like to extend our sincerest words of thanks to Madam and DOk for allowing us to make the realization of our dreams, for the words of wisdom, encouragements and patience. Also to Ma’am Dean, for always been there during UpS and Downs and always been there to guide, support and motivate us to continue and pursue our academic endeavor. To our dear mentors, SMD faculty and Staffs, thank you for the friendship and knowledge that you imparted/shared to us! We wouldn’t be here without all of you. PROUD TO BE SMDIANS!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012